Builds Cruzado

Los cruzados, herederos de una misión centenaria para purificar la corrupción de su amada fe Zakarum, son guerreros justos, curtidos por el combate brutal e interminable contra la maldad que asola las tierras orientales de Santuario.

Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor SoniBoy » 09 Oct 2013, 21:45

Bueno, viendo que ya se saben todas o casi todas las habilidades que tendrá el Cruzado, que builds creeis que serán las mejores?

A ver si acertamos alguna build usada en el futuro, antes de que algún jugador famosillo saque una.

Gracias a Lytus por colgar las capturas de imagen ya podemos comentar mas sobre alguna que otra build.

Aquí la imagen de los ataques secundarios:

Última edición por SoniBoy el 09 Nov 2013, 12:10, editado 4 veces en total.

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LázarusAmazona SoniBoy#1980

Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor dsantos » 09 Oct 2013, 22:48

Está bien el tema Soni, pero creo que hasta que no lo catemos será complicado hacernos una idea, jeje.

Por cierto, se podrían animar y poner ya toda la info del cruzado en la web oficial. Total, antes de que saliera el D3, ya teníamos a las 5 clases con algunos vídeos, sus calculadores de skills y demás.
Dejad que las hordas demoníacas se acerquen a mí.......
Back to hell, dog!


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Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor Targaryen » 09 Oct 2013, 22:56

Mmm de hecho, hay alguna posibilidad de que alguien edite la Wiki de esta web y las añada?? porfaaaaaa

Yo sólo he visto unas pocas pasivas y habilidades activas, pero ni de lejos "casi todas" las skills que tiene!! (aunq es cierto que no me he leído el Super-spoiler de clases de Diablofans, pero bueno).

De todas formas no me extrañaría nada de nada que quitasen 2 o 3 skills antes de que la beta empiece siquiera; véase el caso del monje y su "golpe ciclónico" que no se sabía nada de la skill hasta que salió; y además le quitaron otra skill (la de señuelo, que fijo que la meten ahora en la expansion).

De todas formas, por porponer builds.. que no quede!!

Aunque a mñi me interesa más el tipo de armas que llevará, será obligatorio escudo? serán buenos los mayales? quizás a dos manos para dar ostias sagradas como panes como el monje??

Un Saludo!
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Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor raes » 09 Oct 2013, 23:54

Yo quiero mi build de FoH!

Enviado desde mi pene volador. [url='']now Free[/url]
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Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor SoniBoy » 10 Oct 2013, 00:27

El otro día subí a mi bárbaro al 100 y me hice una bárbara, simplemente porque ya tengo el equipo y me resulta más rápido. Por el camino de subirla al 60 nivel historia, me compré lo típico, set kain i cosas de fuerza que he ido comprando para subir, a la vez he ido guardándolas para el Cruzado.

Cuando llegue al 60 con el Cruzado, le pondré un Stormshield que estoy guardándole...pero claro, ahí viene la duda...que será mejor usar, dos armas, una y escudo de Cruzado ( o un escudo normal ) ?

Claro a lo mejor estamos venga guardar cosas para subir al Cruzado y luego caen objetos legendarios al matar los jefes por primera vez y no nos hace falta todo eso.

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LázarusAmazona SoniBoy#1980

Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor dsantos » 10 Oct 2013, 01:39

Tened por seguro que el cruzado llevará escudo sí o sí, es uno de los motivos por los que introdujeron esta clase, el dar uso a los escudos más allá del HC.

Para no mermar mucho el daño del cruzado, espero que lleven media de daño al estilo de orbes y mojos. Sobre el arma, los rompecabezas específicos tienen buena pinta, pero pasará como todos los pjs ahora. Si hay hachas, espadas, dagas mejores, pues se usarán, aunque le quede mucho mejor visualmente el rompecabezas, jeje.
Dejad que las hordas demoníacas se acerquen a mí.......
Back to hell, dog!


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Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor knec » 10 Oct 2013, 11:13

Yo tengo claro que armas a dos manos que tengan casi todo menos el hueco o algunas de las cosas tipicas, str, ias daño critico, robo de vida etc.. con dps alto lo estoy guardando xq entiendo que de primeras esas armas iran muy bien claro está con algún stormshield decentillo y sobre todo esperar con algo de pasta al ultimo mes de la ah.,ahi los precios de las cosas bajaran en picado. Incluso los del loot 2.0 ( lo que caiga ahora incluso en loot 2.0 será diferente de lo que caiga en la exp, por baja calidad). No se yo si podemos divulgar en esta parte del foro las habs pasivas o activas que se conozcan del paladin, digo cruzado XDDD.. y las posibles construcciones que se estén viendo en otros sitios.
ShadowVet escribió:Puse perfectamente mi correo y contraseña.... los del foro :?
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Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor dsantos » 10 Oct 2013, 11:30

Hombre, yo creo que esa parte no sería considerada spoiler. Si tenéis alguna lista más o menos completa, publicadla por aquí. De todas formas, si alguno no lo quiere ver, que lo comente.
Dejad que las hordas demoníacas se acerquen a mí.......
Back to hell, dog!


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DiabloBárbaro dsantos#2292

Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor SoniBoy » 10 Oct 2013, 16:28

dsantos escribió:Hombre, yo creo que esa parte no sería considerada spoiler. Si tenéis alguna lista más o menos completa, publicadla por aquí. De todas formas, si alguno no lo quiere ver, que lo comente.

Si estaría bien tener las habilidades y las pasivas, yo creo que si que están todas ya por ahí y no se consideran spoiler.

Además si no se habla de esto del Cruzado, de que se va a hablar? de lo/a moreno/rubia que son?

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LázarusAmazona SoniBoy#1980

Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor Ropp » 10 Oct 2013, 17:01

Están las habilidades, casi todas creo, pero no todas las runas. Y en cualquier caso, lo más probable es que las habilidades del cruzado cambien notablemente hasta la llegada de RoS. Eso no quita que se pueda teorizar sobre posibles builds como hicimos en su día con las otras 5 clases, antes de la llegada de D3. Eso sí, yo no empezaría aún a trabajar la wiki, porque es un trabajo considerable para que después te cambien la mitad de las cosas.
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Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor dsantos » 10 Oct 2013, 18:04

Pues entonces alguien que se no le importe meterse en el subforo spoilers, a ver si puede ser tan amable de ponernos la lista de las skills del cruzado, aunque no tengan runas conocidas de momento. ;)
Dejad que las hordas demoníacas se acerquen a mí.......
Back to hell, dog!


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DiabloBárbaro dsantos#2292

Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor Ropp » 10 Oct 2013, 18:14

En este link tenéis la página de Diablofans con la lista de cambios en habilidades que van a llevarse a cabo. También hay habilidades del cruzado y runas. Si a alguien le apetece liarse con las traducciones puede hacer los honores, a mí me da una pereza inefable xD

AVISO: Cuando he bajado, he visto en los comentarios a gente cuyo avatar ya era en sí un SPOILER. Os aconsejo tener cuidado cuando empecéis a bajar, mientras os mantengáis en el hilo principal no hay peligro. Si por si acaso no queréis entrar, os voy a dejar las habilidades transcritas en un Spoiler a contuniación (la pena es que será sin formato, en Diablofans es más fácil de leer con sus sangrías y colores).

Éste es el enlace

Spoiler: Mostrar
Crusader - Heavenly StrengthHeavenly Strength Heavenly Strength
stat : You can wield a 2-handed weapon in your main hand while holding a Shield in your offhand. / Your maximum movement speed is reduced by 10%.
desc : "I want both." - Hold Your GroundHold Your Ground Hold Your Ground
stat : Your block chance is increased by 5%. / Your dodge chance is decreased to 0%.
desc : "Why would I want to dodge that?" - IndestructibleIndestructible Indestructible
stat : Gain 1% Armor for every 5% Life missing.
desc : I am invincible! - VigilantVigilant Vigilant
stat : Increase Life regeneration by 413. / Increase total Life regeneration by 3%. / Reduce all non-Physical damage taken by 2%.
desc : "Constant vigilance!" - Against All OddsAgainst All Odds Against All Odds
stat : When surrounded by 4 or more enemies within 15 yards, you gain 10% Critical Hit Chance for 5 seconds.
desc : "Tenacity is measured by one's endurance against overwhelming odds." - Long Arm of the LawLong Arm of the Law Long Arm of the Law
stat : Increase the passive proc effect duration of all Laws by 100%. / Laws are: / *Laws of Fate / *Laws of Hope / *Laws of Justice / *Laws of Valor
desc : "I am the law!" - WrathfulWrathful Wrathful
stat : Gain 5% Wrath regeneration for 3 seconds when you block.
desc : "Wrawr." - Wrecking BallWrecking Ball Wrecking Ball
stat : Gain 0 Thorns.
desc : "Hit me." - FineryFinery Finery
stat : Gain 0 resistance to all elements for every different color gem socketed into your gear. / If you have 5 different color gems socketed into your gear, you gain another 0 resistance to all elements.
desc : "Shiny." - Holy CauseHoly Cause Holy Cause
stat : Increase the amount of Holy damage on your weapon by 10%. / The proc effect of Holy weapons is increased by 10%.
desc : "Let Heaven's might be unleashed upon the wicked." - Sweep AttackSweep Attack Sweep Attack
desc : Cost: 25 Wrath / Sweep a mystical flail in a wide arc through enemies 20 yards before you, dealing 230% weapon damage to all enemies caught in the arc.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Magnetic ArcMagnetic Arc : Increase the range of the arc to 10 yards. All enemies caught in the arc are pulled toward you. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>FloggingFlogging : Enemies hit by the attack will also catch on fire for 50% weapon damage over 5 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Holy ShockHoly Shock : Gain 5% of the damage dealt by the sweep as Life. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Trip AttackTrip Attack : Enemies hit by the sweep attack have a 20% chance to be tripped, stunning them for 5 seconds. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Fist of the HeavensFist of the Heavens Fist of the Heavens
desc : Cost: 25 Wrath / Call a lightning bolt down from the sky, dealing 220% weapon damage to any enemy within 8 yards. When the lightning bolt hits the ground, it splits into 6 piercing charged bolts that fire outward, dealing 50% weapon damage to enemies they pass through.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Tempest of the HeavensTempest of the Heavens : Summon a lightning storm that covers an area of 8 yard radius for 4 seconds, dealing 80% weapon damage to enemies who move underneath it. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>ReverberationReverberation : The bolt detonates with a shockwave on impact, causing all enemies hit to be thrown away from the blast and slowed by 50% for 6 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Lightning RodLightning Rod : The lightning bolt no longer splits on impact. Instead, enemies struck are turned into living lightning conduits who pulse with charged bolts that pierce and deal 75% weapon damage to enemies they pass through. This effect lasts for 5 seconds or until the enemy dies. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Well of RetributionWell of Retribution : Create a well of holy lightning at the target location for 4 seconds that will electrocute enemies within 25 yards dealing 10% weapon damage as Holy. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>This rune is not yet implemented.This rune is not yet implemented. : If you have ideas please email them to Andrew Chambers . - Heaven's FuryHeaven's Fury Heaven's Fury
desc : Cost: 80 Wrath / Call down a furious ray of Holy power that deals 200% weapon damage as Holy per second for 3 seconds to all enemies caught under it.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Double DoubleDouble Double : This rune is not yet implemented. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Blessed GroundBlessed Ground : This rune is not yet implemented. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Split FurySplit Fury : This rune is not yet implemented. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Thou Shalt Not PassThou Shalt Not Pass : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - PhalanxPhalanx Phalanx
desc : Cost: 35 Wrath / Summon powerful avatars who charge forward to the targeted destination. / Enemies caught in the path of the charge are knocked back, take 200% weapon damage, and have a 0% chance to be stunned for 1 seconds.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>ArchersArchers : The summoned avatars wield bows and attack enemies at range as they walk dealing 10 - 100 damage. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Shield ChargeShield Charge : The Avatars charge very quickly to the targeted destination, pushing enemies in their way backwards. At the end of the destination, they all perform a shield bash, damaging the enemies at that location dealing 100% weapon damage. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>StampedeStampede : Summon warhorses that charge and stampede over the enemy, dealing 300% damage and stunning enemies for 2 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Shield BearersShield Bearers : The avatars no longer walk forward, but plant at the summoned location, blocking all enemies from moving through. The crusader and his allies can pass through the avatars unharmed. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>NYINYI : NYI - Falling SwordFalling Sword Falling Sword
desc : Cost: 25 Wrath / Cooldown: 25 seconds / Launch yourself into the heavens and come crashing down on your enemies, dealing 400% weapon damage to everything within 15 yards of where you land.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>SuperheatedSuperheated : The ground you fall on becomes holy for 60 seconds, dealing 100% weapon damage per second to all enemies who pass over it. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Part the CloudsPart the Clouds : You build a storm of lightning as you fall, which covers the area you land on for 5 seconds, causing lightning strikes to attack enemies under the storm dealing 60% weapon damage and stunning them for 2 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Rise BrothersRise Brothers : You land with such force that avatars of your order are summoned forth to fight by your side for 60 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Rapid DescentRapid Descent : Reduce the cooldown by 1 second for each enemy hit. Reduces the damage to 200% weapon damage. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Laws of JusticeLaws of Justice Laws of Justice
desc : Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Recite a Law, granting you and your allies 900 All Resistances for 5 seconds. / Passive: Whenever you block, there is a chance you and your allies resistances will increase by 300 for 5 seconds.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Blessed HammerBlessed Hammer Blessed Hammer
desc : Cost: 10 Wrath / Summon a blessed hammer that spins around you, dealing 125% weapon damage to any enemy hit. Hammers have a 100% chance to pierce.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Multi-HammerMulti-Hammer : The first time the Hammers hit an enemy, they explode, creating 2 smaller hammers that spin out in random directions dealing 25% weapon damage. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Lightning HammersLightning Hammers : The hammers are charged with lightning, which occasionally arcs between the hammer and the crusader as it spirals through the air. Enemies hit by the lightning will take 50% weapon damage. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Infinite HammersInfinite Hammers : The first time they impact with an enemy there is a 25% chance that a new hammer will be created at the location of the monster that was hit. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Hammer TimeHammer Time : Throw 2 large hammers that travel in opposite directions around you, damaging enemies that they pass through. The 2 hammers will collide after spinning around you once, exploding and dealing 75% weapon damage at the collision point. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - RetaliationRetaliation Retaliation
desc : Cooldown: 15 seconds / Build up a massive explosion, unleashing it after 3 seconds, dealing 265% weapon damage, plus 10% shield armor value as damage as holy to all enemies within 15 yards.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>ReciprocateReciprocate : 100% of damage taken when the explosion is building up is converted into damage. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Blessed ShieldBlessed Shield Blessed Shield
desc : Cost: 25 Wrath / Hurl a celestial shield at enemies, dealing 200% weapon damage and 10% of shield block amount as damage. The shield will ricochet to 1 targets nearby.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Staggering ShieldStaggering Shield : Blessed Shield has a 100% chance to stun the first enemy hit for 4 seconds. For each additional strike, Blessed Shield has a 20% decreased chance to stun. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Deadly NimbusDeadly Nimbus : Your shield is empowered, increasing your Block Chance by 20% and Armor by 50%. When you block this power is unleashed in an explosion dealing 210% weapon damage to all nearby enemies. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Divine AegisDivine Aegis : When the shield hits an enemy, your Armor is increased by 20% and Life regeneration is increased by 20% for 4 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Shattering ThrowShattering Throw : Not yet implemented. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Piercing ShieldPiercing Shield : The shield no longer bounces, but pierces through all enemies, knocking them aside. - Shield BashShield Bash Shield Bash
desc : Cost: 25 Wrath / Bash all enemies in front of you with your shield, dealing 270% weapon damage as holy, plus 10% shield block amount as damage as holy. / Enemies struck have a 20% chance to be stunned, increased by 25% of your shield's block chance. / The skill can also be used to reflect projectiles.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Shattered ShieldShattered Shield : The shield shatters into other smaller fragments, hitting more enemies, dealing 50% weapon damage and 10% of your shield's armor value as damage. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Shield CrossShield Cross : Shields erupt from you in a cross formation. Enemies hit by any of the shields will take 40% weapon damage and 10% of your shield's armor value as damage. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Steed ChargeSteed Charge Steed Charge
desc : Cooldown: 15 seconds / You are picked up by magical steed, allowing you to ride through enemies without being noticed or blocked for 3 seconds.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - JudgmentJudgment Judgment
desc : Cooldown: 20 seconds / Pass judgment on all enemies in an area, rooting them in place for 4 seconds.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>PenitencePenitence : This rune is not yet implemented. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Huddle UpHuddle Up : This rune is not yet implemented. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>FreezeFreeze : This rune is not yet implemented. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>ResolvedResolved : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Shield GlareShield Glare Shield Glare
desc : Cooldown: 12 seconds / Light erupts from your shield, blinding all enemies 30 yards in front of you for 4 seconds.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Divine VerdictDivine Verdict : Blinded enemies take 15% more damage from all sources for 4 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>UncertaintyUncertainty : Enemies caught in the glare have a 30% chance be charmed and fight for you for 6 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Emblazoned ShieldEmblazoned Shield : Enemies with health lower than 25% have a 50% chance to explode when blinded, dealing 20% weapon damage to enemies within 8 yards. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Zealous GlareZealous Glare : Gain 5 Wrath for every enemy blinded. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Akarat's ChampionAkarat's Champion Akarat's Champion
desc : Cost: 50 Wrath / Cooldown: 120 seconds / The crusader is so empowered with zeal that he ignites, burning all enemies who touch his fiery form.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - ConsecrationConsecration Consecration
desc : Cooldown: 20 seconds / Consecrate the ground 13 yards around you for 10 seconds. You and your allies heal 2890 - 3716 Life per second while standing on the consecrated ground. / Heal amount is increased by 25% of your Life per Second.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Aegis PurgatoryAegis Purgatory : The consecrated ground becomes sacred, and enemies cannot enter or leave sacred ground. You and your allies gain 20 resistance to all elements while standing on sacred ground. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Well of HealingWell of Healing : A healing well with 6 charges is summoned at the targeted location but the radius of consecrated ground is reduced to 13 yards. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Bathed in LightBathed in Light : Increase the radius of the consecrated ground to 24 yards. 50% of damage taken by allies in the consecrated ground is redirected to you. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Shattered GroundShattered Ground : Enemies standing on consecrated ground will take 10% weapon damage as fire and 10% thorns damage per second. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - BombardmentBombardment Bombardment
desc : Cooldown: 60 seconds / Call in an assault from afar, raining balls of burning pitch and stone onto enemies around you, dealing 400% weapon damage. The bombardment continues on randomly targeted monsters nearby for the next -22 seconds.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Tar PitTar Pit : Barrels of tar are thrown and crash down, creating black sticky pools that slow monsters caught in it by 60%. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Moo-SplatMoo-Splat : Instead of hurling burning balls of pitch, the carcasses of dead and diseased animals (cows) are thrown. When they land, their poisoned parts are scattered across the battlefield, leaving the area poisoned for a 5 seconds doing 250% weapon damage per second. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Mine FieldMine Field : Mines are scattered onto the battlefield, which will explode when an enemy walks over them dealing 250% weapon damage - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Holy Hand Grenade of AkkaratHoly Hand Grenade of Akkarat : A timed bomb is thrown on the battlefield which will explode after 5 seconds dealing 250% weapon damage in a holy cross formation. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - PunishPunish Punish
desc : Generate: 5 Wrath per attack / Smash your enemy for 130% weapon damage, plus 10% of your shield's block amount as damage. Your strikes heighten your battle senses, increasing your block chance by 2% for 3 seconds.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>RetaliateRetaliate : When you block, your attacker takes 10% weapon damage and 10% of your Thorns damage. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>CelerityCelerity : When you block, your attack speed is increased by 15% for 3 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>RebirthRebirth : When you block, your Life regeneration is increased by 500% for 3 seconds. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - ScourgeScourge Scourge
desc : Generate: 5 Wrath per attack / Scourge your enemies for 120% weapon damage. Striking an enemy surrounds it in hallowed threads which have a chance to jump to 3 nearby enemies.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Bound FateBound Fate : Damage done to any shackled enemy is evenly distributed amongst all shackled enemies. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Razor's EdgeRazor's Edge : Root enemies caught by the hallowed threads. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Empowered WrathEmpowered Wrath : The chains explode after 1 seconds dealing 85% weapon damage. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Shackling LeechShackling Leech : Increase Life regeneration by 5% for every enemy surrounded by threads. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - SlashSlash Slash
desc : Generate: 5 Wrath per attack / Ignite the air 5 yards in front of you with Holy fire, causing 135% weapon damage to all enemies caught in it.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - ProvokeProvoke Provoke
desc : Generate: 50 Wrath / Cooldown: 20 seconds / Taunt all nearby enemies, causing them to focus their attention on you for 5 seconds.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Laws of HopeLaws of Hope Laws of Hope
desc : Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Recite a Law, increasing resource regeneration for you and your allies by 20% for 5 seconds. / Passive: Whenever you pick up a health globe, you and your allies' resource regeneration rate will be increased by 10% for 5 seconds.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Laws of ValorLaws of Valor Laws of Valor
desc : Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Recite a Law, granting you and your allies 174 Strength and 15% increased Attack Speed for 5 seconds. / Passive: Whenever you deal a critical strike against an enemy, there is a chance you and your allies will gain 66 Strength and 5% increased Attack Speed for 5 seconds.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>InvincibleInvincible : Activating you will gain 0 Life on Hit for 30 seconds. / Whenever you crit, you will gain 10 Life over 5 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Frozen in TerrorFrozen in Terror : Whenever you crit, enemies within 0 yards have a 0% chance to be stunned for 3 seconds. Activating the skill increases the chance by 0%. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Cool DownCool Down : Whenever you crit, the cooldown of laws of valor will be reduced by 3 second. / Activating the skill increases cooldown reduction to 4 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>CriticalCritical : Whenever you crit, instead of gaining attack speed, you will gain 50% increased critical hit damage to 0% / • Activating the skill increases the crit hit damage - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Laws of FateLaws of Fate Laws of Fate
desc : Cooldown: 30 seconds / Active: Recite a Law, increasing you and your allies movement speed by 10% for 5 seconds / Passive: Whenever you dodge, there is a chance you and your allies will gain 5% increase to movement speed for 5 seconds.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Iron SkinIron Skin Iron Skin
desc : Cooldown: 30 seconds / Your skin turns to iron, absorbing 65% of all incoming damage for 5 seconds.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - JusticeJustice Justice
desc : Generate: 5 Wrath per attack / Hurl a hammer of justice at your enemies, dealing 140% Holy weapon damage.
stat : - CrimsonCrimson : This rune is not yet implemented. - IndigoIndigo : This rune is not yet implemented. - ObsidianObsidian : This rune is not yet implemented. - GoldenGolden : This rune is not yet implemented. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented. - Bird of PreyBird of Prey Bird of Prey
desc : Cost: 25 Wrath / Active: Order the Gyrfalcon to enrage, increasing the damage it deals for a short time. / Passive: Summon a Mystical Gyrfalcon to fight by your side.
stat : - <span style='color: #80ff80'>ImmolateImmolate : Active: Order the Gyrfalcon to charge a location, burning the ground it passes. Enemies standing in burning ground will take 20% weapon damage per second. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>FlockFlock : Active: The Gyrfalcon and his flock swarm the targeted location, dealing 20% weapon damage to all enemies within 15 yards. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>BoonBoon : Active: The Gyrfalcon covers you in a protective aura, reducing all incoming damage by 20% for 25 seconds. - <span style='color: #80ff80'>Staggering CryStaggering Cry : Active: The Gyrfalcon emits a piercing shriek, stunning all enemies between it and the targeted location for 3 seconds. - AlabasterAlabaster : This rune is not yet implemented.

Que la fuerza sea con vosotros.
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Registrado: 18 Ene 2011, 23:20
Externo Ropp#2234

Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor dsantos » 10 Oct 2013, 18:31

Gracias por el aporte y el aviso Ropp, así no tenemos que entrar al link por si acaso. ;)
Dejad que las hordas demoníacas se acerquen a mí.......
Back to hell, dog!


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Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor SoniBoy » 10 Oct 2013, 20:45

Ropp gracias por el aporte, ahora nos dedicaremos a intentar hacer alguna build y en breve las tendremos por aquí.

Ponemos las builds como spoiler?

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Re: Futuras Builds Cruzado

Mensajepor Tai » 10 Oct 2013, 22:08

Yo ya lo tengo claro, la pasiva que te deja pillar un arma 2 manos y un escudo va a ser elegida seguro!
Correré menos pero ya sabeis, entre items y puntos paragon, no va a ser un problema ^^
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